Jux and Poser layers with some post work in PdN. #meditation

Jux and Poser layers with some post work in PdN. #meditation
Everything Spins: A redo of some older parameters I created a few years back. 6 hour jux render with post work completed in PdN. Best fulls screen for the details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Spinning Mandelbrots: 4 jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for detail. #art #digitalart
6 Diamond Mandala: (For obvious reasons). One jux render with a bunch of post work in PS / PdN. Something quick and fun this afternoon. #art #digitalart #mandala
Hidden Creatures Mandala: Do you see them? Jux layers with some post work in PdN. #art #digitalart #mandala
Guardian at the Temple of Aetherial Convergence: A meditation abstraction I completed this afternoon. 9 jux and 2 poser layers with postwork done in PdN. Best full screen for the details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Cosmic Triune Meditation: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Lost count of the layers, but used jux and poser as well as PdN for the post work. Best full screen if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Meditations at the Gateway of the Cosmic Portals: A meditation abstraction I created today. Jux / poser layers with post work completed in PdN / Photoshop. Best full screen for the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart #mediataion
The Organisation of Pieces of Parts in Motion: A meditation abstraction. Jux and poser layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Just completed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #111623. Reused some jux layers and playing around in post with PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #mandala
Mindful Abstractions: A meditation abstraction I completed today. jux and poser layers with post work done in PdN. Best full screen for the details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Celestial Kaleidoscope: A fractal abstraction I completed this afternoon. Jux layers with post work done in PdN. Best full screen for all the details, if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
The Alchemy of Rhythmic Chaos: Finished this afternoon. 9 jux layers / renders and post work in Paint dot net (PdN). Best full screen for the details, enjoy! #art #digitalart
The Structural Serenity of Space Time: An abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with post work in photoshop and PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Beauty in the Math: Single 17 hour jux render (using a old jwildfire layer for the reflection). Post work in PdN and photoshop. Best full screen if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Contemplating the Organization of Chaos: A meditation abstraction. Jux and poser layers with post work completed in PdN. Best full screen for all the details, if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Just finished another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #102123. Jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for all the details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces Series #101923. Jux layers with post work done in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart
Deciphering Chaos: A fractal art study / abstraction. Jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Just finished another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #101423. jux layers with post work completed in PdN. Best full screen for the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart
The Philosophy of Stillness in the Chaos: A meditation abstraction I finished this morning. Jux and poser layers. Best full screen for all the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Sitting in the Now: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux / poser /inkscape layers with postwork done in PdN. Best full screen if your device supports it 🙂 #art #digitalart #meditation
Just complete another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #100523. Jux render with post work in PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart