Completed another in my fractal “Weird Spaces Series” #101822. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #abstract

Completed another in my fractal “Weird Spaces Series” #101822. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #abstract
Songs of Geometric Unity: A meditation abstraction I completed this afternoon. jwildfire and poser layers with post work finished in PdN. #art #digitalart #meditation
My end of 2021 video review of my artwork. Thank you to everybody that has supported my artwork this past year. Have a Happy 2022!
Lines of Illumination Mandala: Created with jux and jwildfire renders with postwork in paint dot net. Enjoy! #art #digitalart #manadala
B&W Spiral: Something fun I completed today…
To Center: Playing around with a older formula of mine to create this abstract piece…
Lines of Abstraction: Finished a quick 2 layer abstract tonight.
Lithium: This abstraction reminded me of a Lithium atom (three electrons) in motion when I finished it. Hence the name…
Just completed from my “Unusual Mandala Series” #02142020. Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Deeper Dimensionality of Space-Time: A abstract I completed today…
Star Nexus: A abstraction I just completed…
Psychedelic-Swirl: Just for some fun…
Just completed this piece “Dreams of a Cyborg”.
Transfigured Geometric Perceptions: A new abstraction I just completed…
Gold Filigree Mandala: Just completed this mandala last night…
The Shamans Playground, A Meditation Abstraction…
Butterfly Lasso: A new abstraction I completed today. Do you see it?
Arrival at TripGate 5: My latest Meditation Abstraction…
A Prayer at the Robot Cathedral: A new abstract I completed today…
Euphoric Moment: A new abstraction I just completed…
Metamorphosis in Motion: An abstraction I completed today…
At the Wizards Gate: A Meditation Abstraction…
Galactic Antechamber: An abstraction I just completed…
Projections of Impossible Memories: A abstraction I completed on this Saturday morning…
Transfigured Material Mandala: Just completed this mandala…