In Union: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux and poser layers with postwork done in PdN. Best full screen for all the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation

In Union: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux and poser layers with postwork done in PdN. Best full screen for all the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Devanian Space: Playing around with some of the jux preset formulas. One jux render with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for the details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Unusual Mandala Series #091823. Jux layers with some post work completed in PdN. Best full screen for all the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #mandala
I present The Dancing Mandelbrot’s. Jux layers with post work completed in PdN. A lot of fun to make this one. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Meditative Metamorphosis of Spirit: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning. 5 jux layers, a jwildfire layer and I ran a old poser model I made through AI a few times for the figure. Best full screen for all the details if your device supports it. #art #digiatlart #meditation.
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #090923. 3 jux layers with postwork in PdN. Best full screen to catch the details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #090223. 5 jux renders/layers with post work done in PdN. Best full screen if your device supports it. #art #digitalart