At the Center of it All: A fractal abstraction. Trying out the new jux 4.001today. 5 layers with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #fractalart

At the Center of it All: A fractal abstraction. Trying out the new jux 4.001today. 5 layers with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
The Conceptualization of Space-Time: A fractal abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for all the details. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Completed another in my “Fractal Swirl Series” #042823 last night. Jux layers with postwork in PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
Sunrise: Something simple for the weekend. 3 ai layers combined with some of fractals from jwildfire. Happy Friday. #art #digitalart
Meditations on Aspects of Symmetry: A meditation abstract I completed today. I used 3 jux layers for the fractal patterns, and ran some of my old poser renders through a training to get the figure meditating. With some post work in photoshop and PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Just completed another in my “Abstract Fractal Swirl Series” #042323. Jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for details. If your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart
In this moment: A meditation abstraction I completed this Saturday morning. 9 MJv5, 2 jwildfire, and 1 poser layers. With post work done in photoshop and Pdn. Enjoy! #art #digitalart #meditation
Alien Game Night: Some more human / ai experiments. 3 MJ5 layers with a jwildfire layer for textures. Post work done in PdN. #art #digitalart #aiart
Luminous beings are we: Playing around with multiple AI layers with some fractal layers for texture. Post work in PdN and photoshop. Enjoy! #art #digitalart #aiart
What’s less complicated than the US tax code? 100 milion fractalized pixels! Completed another in my “Weird Spaces series” #041823. Jux layers with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Tune In: (What are you listening to today)? A meditation abstraction I completed today, with AI, jwildfire and some hand drawn elements. #art #digitalart
Hypno-Swirl: Simple fractals on a early Saturday morning, enjoy! #art #digitalart
The Elementals of the Deep Wildwood: A AI / Human collaboration. 3 AI layers (midjourney) and a jwildfire fractal layer with hand drawn elements for texture. Post work completed in PdN and photoshop.
Psychedelic Psyops: Another AI / Human experiment I have been working on, enjoy.
Happy Easter!
Porthole to the Godhead: Doing some more AI / Human experiments. Used multiple AI, poser and jwildfire elements to create this art study. Enjoy!
An Illusion’s Illusory Illusion of Perception: (say that 3x fast in your head) A meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux and poser layers with some post work done in PdN and gimp. Best full screen for best effect if your device supports it. Happy Easter! #art #digitalart #meditation
Just completed another in my “Weird Spaces Series” #040723. Jux layers with some post work in PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #fractalart #abstractart
A Shaman’s Journey: Experimenting with some more AI work with midjourney V5. Combo of some of my original fractal work with MJ new take on prompts. enjoy…
Complete another in my “Weird Spaces series”, #040623. Jux layers with post work in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart #fractalart
Before Color: A fractal abstraction I completed this morning. Jux with som postwork in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Meditations at the Gateway to Metamorphosis: Completed another meditation abstraction today. Jux and poser layers with post work in gimp and PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #meditation
Projections of Chaos: A fractal abstraction I completed this morning. Jux layers with post work done in paint dot net (program not website). Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart #fractal
From the Singularity (All): A fractal abstraction I completed this morning. Jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for details if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #abstractart