The Guardian of Galactic Gateway 27: Just completed this meditation abstraction today. Jux and poser layers with post work done in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #meditation

The Guardian of Galactic Gateway 27: Just completed this meditation abstraction today. Jux and poser layers with post work done in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #meditation
Transmutation of Being: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning. jwildfire layers with post work in paint dot net. Best full screen if your device supports it (computers). #art #digitalart #meditation
Prayers for Ascension, a meditation abstraction: Created with jux and poser layers with post work completed in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #meditation
Dreams of Fractals, Dreaming of Fractals: A new fractal abstraction I completed last night. One jux layer with two orbits and post work in paint dot net. Best full screen if your device supports it. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Different Planes of Existence Mandala: A new mandala I completed today. Jux layers with post work done in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #mandala
The Portal of Altered Reality: A fractal abstraction I completed this morning. 5 jux layers with postwork in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Meditations on Eternity: A new meditation abstraction I completed this morning. Jux and poser layers with post work done in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation
EyeCandy: Just completed another abstract on this Sunday afternoon. Best full screen for details. #jux layers with post work in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
11 Lobe Solar Mandala: Completed this mandala this morning. Enjoy, full screen for best detail. Jux layers with post work done in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #mandala
Projections from the 4th Dimension: A meditation abstraction I completed this evening. Jux and poser layers with postwork in paint (.) net. Best full screen for all the detail. #art #digitalart #meditation
Mystic Voyage: A meditation abstraction I completed tonight. Jux and poser renders / layers, with post work in paint dot net. best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation