My Day Dreams: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning. Jux layer with 5 orbit traps and a poser layer with post work in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation

My Day Dreams: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning. Jux layer with 5 orbit traps and a poser layer with post work in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Meditations of the Sage: A meditation abstraction. Been working on this one on and off for a few weeks. jwildfire, jux, poser with post work completed in photoshop and paint dot net. Best full screen for details.#art #digitalart #meditation
BrotWorld: A simple fractal abstraction I completed this morning. Jux render with a little post work in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #fractal
Trippy Bifurcated Tentacle Swirl: A piece I just completed today. Best full screen for detail. #art #digitalart
5 Point Local Singularity: An abstraction I completed today. Best full screen for details. enjoy! #art #digitalart #abstractart
Iteration: An fractal abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with post work in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #fractal
Who Built the Pyramids? playing around with photoshop and some new ideas and brushes. #art #digitalart
The Structures found in Chaos Mandala: A mandala I completed today. 4 jux layers with postwork in paint dot net. best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #mandala
Hints of Color and Shape: An abstraction I completed early this morning. #art #digitalart #abstractart