Completed another in my ongoing series, “Weird Spaces #062821” with a pre 4th of July color scheme 🙂 Jux layers with postwork in paint (dot) net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart

Completed another in my ongoing series, “Weird Spaces #062821” with a pre 4th of July color scheme 🙂 Jux layers with postwork in paint (dot) net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Polymorphic Fields: An abstraction I completed this morning. One jux layer for the render and a previously created jwildfire layer used as the source for the jux Environment Map (the “Field lines”). #art #digitalart #abstractart
Echo’s of Wonderland: An abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with postwork in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Abstract Meditations on the Eternal: A meditation abstraction I completed early this morning. Multiple jux renders, poser and postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #meditation. Best Full screen for details…
Connected to the Machine: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux, poser and jwildfire layers with postwork in paint dot net. Best full scree for details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces” Series #061621 today. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Echoes of Constructive Chaos: Just completed this morning. 7 jux layers / renders with postwork in paint dot net (PdN). Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Evolving Projections of the Mind: A meditation abstraction I completed today. 6 jux and poser layers with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #meditation. Best full screen for details. Happy Friday!
Eleven Pincer Mandala: Completed another piece today. jux layers with post work in PdN. Best full screen for detail. #art #digitalart #mandala
Stellar Gateway: An abstraction I completed today with jux layers and paint dot net for the post work. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Polymorphic Flow: An abstraction I completed today. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Metallic Lace Mandala: Just completed this morning. Jux layers with post work in PdN. #art #digitalart #mandala
Another in my “Weird Spaces” series #060421. Jux layers with postwork in PdN #art #digitalart #abstractart Best full screen for details. What do you see?!?