Flow to Center: A new abstraction completed this Friday. Happy Weekend! #art #digitalart #abstractart. Jux with post in paint . net

Flow to Center: A new abstraction completed this Friday. Happy Weekend! #art #digitalart #abstractart. Jux with post in paint . net
Fractal Tunnels: An abstraction I completed this morning. Jux renders with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Behind the Clouds: A 1 layer “zoom in” of the default fractal you get when you start up jux after some simple adjustments for color (changed to B&W) and the Trap shape (Heart). Did some sharpening post render. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Visions of a BuddhaBrot Creature: A departure from the “classic” form, usually done with a buddhabrot. 3 jux layers with some postwork in paint dot net. #art #digitalart
Animated a recent piece of mine, “The Connected Experience of Life” Enjoy
Lines of Illumination Mandala: Created with jux and jwildfire renders with postwork in paint dot net. Enjoy! #art #digitalart #manadala
Just completed the “Smiling Chameleon” Mandala. Jux and jwildfire layers with post in PdN. #art #digitalart #mandala Best full screen for details. Happy Friday!
All pathways are possible: An abstraction I completed today. Jux w/ paint dot net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
The Construction of Power Core 74: A new abstraction I completed today. 8 jux layers with postwork done in paint dot net. Better full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Finishing up a bunch of renders this morning. Right now it’s “Fractal Ball”: 1 layer jux with some post in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #fractal
The Serpent Mandala: 3 jux layers with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #mandala
The Man in the Machine: A meditation abstraction I completed this evening. 12 jux, poser and jwildfire renders (layers) with postwork in gimp and PdN. Best full screen for good detail. #art #digitalart #meditation. I’ll check the comments in the morning to see if anybody likes it. 🙂
It’s Inside the Walls: Completed this abstract early this morning. Best full screen. Jux layers with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Complexity Gateway: An abstraction I completed this morning. 5 layer jux with post in paint dot net. Better full screen for details. #art #digitalart #abstractart
The Connected Experience of Life: A meditation abstraction I completed today. 3 jwildfire layers, 1 jux layer and 1 poser layer. Postwork finished in paint dot net. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #meditation
Crab Claw Linked Mandala: Just completed this abstract mandala. Jux with post in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #mandala
Color Waves: A fractal abstraction. Jux layers with postwork in paint dot net. Best full screen. #art #digitalart
Buddhabrot on White: A quick abstraction to start the weekend. jux with post in PdN. Happy Friday! #art #digitalart
Its a Series of Tubes: An abstraction I just completed. 3 jux layers with postwork in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #abstract Best full screen as always…
A Shamans Dreams of Magic: A meditation abstraction I completed today. 6 jux and poser layers with postwork done in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Uplifted Hermit: A meditation abstraction I completed recently. jux poser and jwildfire layers with postwork in gimp. #art #digitalart #meditation Best full screen.
A Rip in Space-Time: An abstraction I completed last night. 3 jux layers with postwork in paint (dot) net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Mandelbrot Colony: Playing around with some old params this holiday morning (HAPPY EASTER). No eggs or bunnies, but a small Mandelbrot fix. #art #digitalart #fractal
Turns and Twists: An abstract I completed this Saturday afternoon. #art #digitalart #abstractart
From Zero Point: A new abstraction I completed this morning. 5 jux renders (layers) with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #abstractart Best full screen for details.