Realm of the Masters: A meditation abstraction I have been working on for about a week. Seven jux, poser and jwildfire layers with postwork in gimp and paint (dot) net. #art #digitalart #meditation Best full screen.

Realm of the Masters: A meditation abstraction I have been working on for about a week. Seven jux, poser and jwildfire layers with postwork in gimp and paint (dot) net. #art #digitalart #meditation Best full screen.
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces” Series #032721, today. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Cosmically Connected: Completed this meditation early this Friday morning. jwildfire and poser layers with postwork in gimp and PdN. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #meditation
Altarpiece of the Nanites: An abstract piece created with 5 jux renders with postwork in paint (.) net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Fractal Bubbles: A fractal abstract. 2 jux layers with post work in PdN. #art #digitalart
Just finished another piece this morning. Meditations on the Forever Space, a meditation abstraction. jwildfire and poser layers with postwork in PdN. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation.
Aetheric Structures: An abstraction I completed this morning. 5 jux layers with postwork in PdN. Enjoy your weekend. #art #digitalart
Soul Map: Something I completed last night. Most Social Media will mess up a high resolution B&W picture like this. So best viewed at full screen for details. 3 jwildfire layers with post work in PdN. #art #digitalart
Enlightened Visions of Elegance: A meditation abstraction I completed this evening. 3 jwildfire layers and one poser layer with postwork in paint dot net. Best full screen for details. #art #digitalart #meditation
Connected Hex: A 2 layer jwildfire creation with postwork in PdN. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Inner Workings: A abstraction I completed this morning. 3 layer jux with post work in Paint dot net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
For this Friday “Something Whimsical” an abstraction I completed this morning. #art #digitalart #abstract Best full screen…
Transfigured Concepts: A fractal abstraction I completed this afternoon, enjoy. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Creation Transformed: Completed this abstraction today. Jux layers with postwork done in paint dot net. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #abstractart
Cosmic Visions: (Experimental). Lately I have been using jwildfire renders as a pseudo “reflection layer” for my merged jux renders. Thought I would swap it around a bit and use a jux layer as a reflection for jwildfire. #art #digitalart #abstractart Better full screen for detail…
Red Tortoise Shell Mandala: Just completed this mandala today. Jux layers with postwork in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #mandala
From Center Point: Completed this abstraction today. jux render with postwork in paint dot net. #art #digitalart #abstractart
The Possibility of Dreams: A meditation abstraction I completed today. Multilayer Jux, jwildfire and poser. #art #digtalart #abstractart
Just completed another in my ongoing series “Weird Spaces” #030221 enjoy #art #digitalart #fractal