Meditations of a Star Traveler: Just completed this meditation abstraction today. Jux and poser layers with post in paint dot net…

Meditations of a Star Traveler: Just completed this meditation abstraction today. Jux and poser layers with post in paint dot net…
The Soul is the Vessel of Infinite Dreams: A visionary art piece I completed this morning…
Meditations on the Structure of Eternity: Been working on this meditation abstraction for awhile now. Enjoy, and have a happy weekend wherever you may be…
The latest in my ongoing, “Weird Spaces” series #09242020. 5 jux layers with post work in paint dot net and gimp… #art #digitalart #abstractart
The Portal of Delightful Expression: A new abstraction I just completed, enjoy!
Rising Phoenix Mandala: Last piece for the weekend, enjoy!
The Continuation of Dreams from Unwritten Time: A newly completed Meditation abstraction. Best viewed full screen for full detail…
No new judge as per our friend, Mitch…
Cosmic Parrot Mandala: Having some fun this Friday, completing a few projects. Enjoy!
Reunion: A meditation abstraction I completed last night, enjoy…
Echos of Fractal Probability: A new abstraction I completed today, enjoy your weekend!
Connecting to the Aether: A new meditation abstraction I completed tonight. Multilayer Jux and Poser with postwork done in Gimp.
Meditations in the City of Imagination: An abstraction I just completed. Multilayer Jux / Poser with post in Paint dot net…
Memories of Godhood: Completed this visionary art piece today. Jux / Poser layers with post work in paint dot net…
Shades of Harvest Orange Mandala: Rendered 3 jux layers with some gimp magic for post work…
From Inside the Darkness – Light: A meditation abstraction I just completed today. Jux / Poser and PdN…
Glowing Star Mandala: Completed today. 5 jwildfire 6.00 layers with post in PdN. Have a Great Holiday Weekend!