Completed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #08312020 This morning…

Completed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #08312020 This morning…
Wisdom Between Dimensions: A new meditation abstraction I completed this afternoon. Social Media will choke on the resolution, so best full screen. Jwildfire and poser layers with postwork done in PdN…
The Philosophy of Spiritual Movement: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning, rendered using jux, jwildfire, daz-3d and poser layers. Post work in Gimp and PdN. Happy Friday.
Meditations on the Texture of Reality: A Meditation Abstraction I completed early this morning. Created with jux, jwildfire and poser layers with postwork done in paint (dot) net…
A Dialog with the Atman: A new meditation abstraction I completed tonight. Apophysis, jwildfire, jux and poser layers. With postwork completed in PdN and Gimp. Best Full Screen. Enjoy…
Attack of the Cubes: Playing around with some old jwildfire parameters I created a few years back. 3 layer renders post with paint ot net (PdN)…
Blooming Fractal: A new fractal abstraction I completed this morning…
Distorted Reality: An abstraction I completed today…
Many Worlds Theory: A abstraction I just completed this morning…
Golden Aspects Mandala: A Mandala I just completed…
A Moment Within Infinity: A new fractal abstraction I completed early this morning…
A Shaman’s Dreams: Completed the last layer and post work on this Meditation Abstraction today.
Galactic Generator #3: A new abstract I completed this morning…
Omniscient Geometric Creation: A new abstraction I just completed this morning…
Up late and just completed this meditation abstraction “Fractal Enlightenment”. Enjoy!