Mandala of the Fractal Sea: A abstract B&W Mandala I created today, enjoy!

Mandala of the Fractal Sea: A abstract B&W Mandala I created today, enjoy!
Completed a new abstraction today. “A Magical Space” Enjoy!
Galactic Portal Generator #72: An abstraction I completed this morning…
Technically much simpler than most of my multiple layer / program(s) fractal work. But it just said “finished” after the render. So here is “Fractal Glow”
Competed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #07232020 …
Completed another abstraction in my “Weird Spaces” series #07212020
Cosmic Interface: My latest meditation abstraction, completed this morning…
Be a Universe unto thyself: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning…
Where all the lines meet: An abstract I just completed this morning…
Made this 4 years ago today. Had no idea how prophetic it would be
Nor how much toilet paper would matter in 2020.
Dreams of a Cybernetic Mind: A Meditation Abstraction I completed last night. Social media will not be able to catch all the detail, so best full screen…
Completed another in my “Weird Spaces series “#07142020” early this morning…
The Dreams of Aluminium: A new abstraction I created this weekend…
Completed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #07102020 Enjoy and have a great weekend…
Meditations in the Garden of Thought: A meditation abstraction I completed this Sunday morning…
Happy 4th of July. Today I finished another in my “Weird Spaces” Series #07042020. Enjoy the Holiday!
Secondary Aspects of Cognition: Just completed this 5 layer abstraction this afternoon…