Grace in Shadow: A abstraction I completed this morning…

Grace in Shadow: A abstraction I completed this morning…
In remembrance of all the healthcare workers that have died wearing a mask. NOT! Wear the mask folks!
Completed my latest Meditation Abstraction this morning. “A Prayer to the Multiverse”…
Another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #06252020 completed today…
B&W Spiral: Something fun I completed today…
You will have to be older then “45” to understand why this abstraction is called “Spider”. Feel free to post your best guess…
Another in my “Weird Spaces Series”, #06212020
One with the Aether: A Meditation Abstraction I completed today…
Layers of Imagination: A new abstract I just completed this afternoon…
Experiments in Dimensionality: Playing around with some new ideas, with renders and post-work (best full screen)…
Just completed another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #06162020 …
Completed another in my Unusual Mandala Series #06132020 late last night…
Prayer at the Altarpiece of Creation: A Meditation Abstraction I completed this morning…
From a Corner of My Mind: An abstraction I completed just now…
Meditations in the Chamber of Infinity: Completed this meditation abstraction late yesterday…
Green Crescent Mandala: Completed my latest Mandala this morning…
The Redemption Found in Transcendence: A new meditation abstraction I completed this morning…
Fixed the Bible. Sorry I could not do anything about the idiot holding it…