Higher Calling: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning…

Higher Calling: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning…
One more in my “Weird Spaces” Series #03302020 just completed this morning…
Completed another abstract in my “Weird Spaces” series #03292020…
Dimensions of Imaginary Matter: A new abstract piece I completed this morning…
Transcendental Creation: A new Meditation Abstraction I completed today…
Keeper of the Portal of Luminous Spirit: A meditation abstraction I completed today…
Stay home and wash your hands…
Round and Round: Just completed this Abstraction…
Guardian of the Path: A meditation abstraction I completed today…
Lines of Abstraction: Finished a quick 2 layer abstract tonight.
Just completed this meditation abstraction: “A Joyous Connection of Soul”…
ZeroPoint: Finished this fractal abstract last night…
No Path Be Straight: A new abstraction I completed today…
Playhouse of the Mind: A new abstraction I completed this morning…
Lost Kinetic Information: An abstraction I completed yesterday…
Gateway to Extra-Dimensional Realms: An abstract I completed today…
Visions of Articulated Intensity: An abstract I just completed…
Another in my “Weird Spaces” Series #03072020. An abstract I completed last night…
Visionary Projections of Mind: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning…
Primeval Atom: An abstraction I completed today…
The pieces that make the parts: A new abstraction I completed today…
A Prayer at the Altar of Sagittarius A: A new Meditation Abstraction I completed today…