Aspects of Shape and the Formation of Structure: A abstract I completed just now…

Aspects of Shape and the Formation of Structure: A abstract I completed just now…
Molecular Heaven: A new abstraction I completed today…
Another in my Weird Spaces Series #02282020 completed today…
Meditations on metamorphosis under the tree of fractals: A meditation abstraction I completed last night…
Lithium: This abstraction reminded me of a Lithium atom (three electrons) in motion when I finished it. Hence the name…
Mandelbrot Mandala: Playing around a bit today 🙂
Poetry in Morphism: Completed a new abstraction today…
For some reason the person that was trying to “troll” me took their comment down when I made and replied with this…
Internet Troll:
“First spotted in the 1980’s on what was then called Usenet, these creatures roamed the dial-up network architecture of the time. Later, as different networks merged into the modern Internet we know today, these beasts also evolved to make the jump onto the more diverse parts of this new and growing communications platform. Known for starting quarrels or upsetting random people for the sole purpose of distracting or sowing discord by posting inflammatory, digressive or factually inaccurate information.
Research has indicated that when ignored these creatures do little harm and are more of an annoyance then a threat. Attacks by “Internet Trolls” seem to happen most often after they have encountered one of the following… people with superior skillsets, others with a greater command of the language, somebody with a noticeably higher IQ, or finding lack in themselves after examining their own mental abilities, emotional stability or size of their sexual appendage.”
Excerpt from the book:
Dealing with Asshats, idiots and the emotionally stunted on the Internet.
Copyright 2020 James Alan Smith
Completed this abstraction “Bending the Matrix” this morning…
Just completed this Mandala in my Unusual Mandala Series (#02202020) What do you think?
Inside Wormhole Creation Station #5: My latest abstract work…
Unusual Mandala Series #02172020 I completed this one last night. What do you think?
Communion with the Holofractal Matrix: Finishing up this visionary art abstraction during the long holiday weekend …
Vision of a Dreams Dream: A meditation abstraction I completed this morning…
Flowing Singularity of Color: Playing around with shape and color today…
Bending Plastic: A colorful abstraction I completed this Sunday morning….
I Just completed “Weird Spaces” #02152020 this afternoon…
Mechanistic Aspirations: A new abstraction I complete this morning. Too much detail (10K) for most social media after being down-sampled, so please click on picture for max detail…
Just completed from my “Unusual Mandala Series” #02142020. Enjoy and Happy Friday!
Deeper Dimensionality of Space-Time: A abstract I completed today…
Another in my “Unusual Mandala Series” #02102020. Completed today…
Eight Sages Bend Space-Time: A Meditation Abstraction I just completed this afternoon…
Taking a Different Path: A new abstract to finish the weekend with…
Weird Spaces #02082020 A fractal abstract I completed today…
It’s alive: A new abstraction I completed this morning, happy Friday…