Newest Abstraction today…
ordo ab chao – order to chaos:

The Vote:
An old man walking through his village saw a very long line of villagers gathering about waiting. And asked the person at the end of the line…
“What do ye wait for?”
Villager: “To cast vote for our new council member.”
Old Man: “Why wait for such?”
Villager: “He is important, his decisions can change our lives, bring us happiness or despair.”
The old man laughs and starts to turn away …
Villager: “Why laugh old man? Do you not take you’re well being, your very happiness seriously? “
Old Man: “Yea, very much so.”
Villager: “Then why walk away?”
Old Man: “They are much too important to give away to another’s control. I shall keep responsibility for my happiness with myself where it belongs. Why give up such power to other?”
Only two laws exist. Law of nature’s Goddess and of lowly man. Notice the Goddess’s law when followed bear fruit, greater life. Behold law of man restricts, chokes life.