Experimental Mandala Idea II:
Another iteration of a new Mandala idea I have been experimenting with…
Experimental Mandala Idea II:
Another iteration of a new Mandala idea I have been experimenting with…
In a Different Headspace:
I Completed one more abstraction today…
Darkness Transformed:
A new abstraction I completed this morning…
Experimental Mandala idea:
Playing around / art study with some new ideas for future Mandala…
Last art piece of the weekend, I just completed as I get ready for a day of meditation at the hot springs. Blessings…
6 Lobe Black and White Meditation Mandala:
A new mandala I completed today…
The Elegance of Color:
Completed this abstraction early this morning…
Soul Glow Meditation Mandala:
My latest meditation Mandala completed this late Thursday morning…
Fractal Mist:
A fractal abstraction I finished this morning…
Kinetic Nature:
Moving away from the last black and white series with something a bit more colorful.
Insight Transformed Mandala:
Finished a new mandala this morning…
“Dichotomy be Universal truth. Lie told to self when preferences are made for one side over other.
For how will one exist without its opposite? Embrace all or know the pains of they that cannot accept truth.”
Counterclockwise Mandala:
A new mandala for a new week…
Completing a new meditation mandala this late Saturday morning…
Sacred Formations of Thought:
“With a single thought thee may create a Universe…”
A new meditation abstraction I finished this morning.
Completed this abstraction on this early Friday morning…
Finished a new abstraction this Holiday Monday…
Gardens of Alpha Centauri A:
A new fractal abstraction completed today…
One: Visionary Art piece I completed today…
Thy Universe most great created you. Are you loyal to the ideal it intended?
Where all things meet: Another abstraction I completed this week…
Face Study May 2018:
Playing with faces again…
Fractal Insights Mandala:
My newest Mandala that I completed this late morning…
Kinetic Spirit:
An abstraction I finished today…
Metaphysical Expressions:
If thy soul had a mirror, what would it see?
A Splash of Color:
A new abstraction this Sunday morning…