Subspace Undulations: A fractal abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with post in PdN. #art #digitalart #fractal

Subspace Undulations: A fractal abstraction I completed today. Jux layers with post in PdN. #art #digitalart #fractal
The Movement of Color: An abstraction I just completed. Jux and jwildfire layers with post work in PdN. #art #digtialart #abstractart
Layers of Infinity Mandala: Just completed this 3 layer mandala. Enjoy!
Aesthetic Aspects of Dimensionality: An abstract that I just completed. 7 jux layers with postwork in PdN. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #abstractart
The Morphism of Knowledge: A meditation abstraction I completed today. 7 jux, jwildfire and poser layers. #art #digitalart #abstractart #meditation Best full screen…
Just completed another in my “Weird Spaces” series #01182021. 5 jux layers with postwork in PdN. #art #digitalart #abstractart
A new meditation abstraction I completed today. Jux / jwildfire / gimp. #art #digitalart #meditation. Best full screen, enjoy!
Just completed another piece in my Unusual Mandala Series #01052021. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #mandala
Dreams of Computational Elegance: A fractal abstraction I completed this morning. #art #digitalart
Dreams of the Technomage: Just completed this meditation abstraction this Saturday morning. Jux and poser layers with postwork in Pdn. Best full screen. #art #digitalart #meditation