Weird Spaces 10312019: My newest abstraction…

Weird Spaces 10312019: My newest abstraction…
Gold Filigree Mandala: Just completed this mandala last night…
Bubblegum Meditation: Having some fun this weekend with this piece…
Invocation to the Cosmic Soul: A Visionary Art Piece…
Sentinel at the Threshold of Knowledge…
The Dimensionality of Luminous Matter: A Meditation Abstraction …
The Shamans Playground, A Meditation Abstraction…
Butterfly Lasso: A new abstraction I completed today. Do you see it?
First piece of the week “A Fractal Moment”.
From a Deeper Dimension: A new abstract to finish the weekend with…
Superimposed Energy: A new abstraction I just completed…
Arrival at TripGate 5: My latest Meditation Abstraction…
A Prayer at the Robot Cathedral: A new abstract I completed today…
The Formation of Knowledge: Completing one more meditation abstraction I have been working on before calling it quits for today…
Do Black and White Dreams, Dream in Color? A new meditation abstraction I completed late last night…
My first completed abstraction of the week “Metallic Hydrogen”…
Euphoric Moment: A new abstraction I just completed…
Metamorphosis in Motion: An abstraction I completed today…
Structures of the Ether: A new Friday Abstraction…
At the Wizards Gate: A Meditation Abstraction…
Galactic Antechamber: An abstraction I just completed…
Reality Transformed Mandala: A new mandala I completed today…
Connection: Finishing a few pieces this Sunday afternoon, including this meditation abstraction…
Nine Point Mandala: Just completed this abstract mandala on this Sunday morning…
Projections of Impossible Memories: A abstraction I completed on this Saturday morning…