Field Lotus: A sort of abstract, mandala for a Sunday morning…

Field Lotus: A sort of abstract, mandala for a Sunday morning…
Segments of Divinity: Just completed this abstraction…
Angel Wings: A new abstraction for this Friday…
The Geometric Formation of Dreams: An abstraction I just completed today…
Geometric Transformations of the Source: Just completed this abstraction…
The Gatekeeper Waits: A new abstract this Sunday morning…
Bright Daisy Mandala: A colorful new mandala I just completed this weekend.
Space Never Ends: First finished abstraction of the weekend.
Articulated Mechanism: New today.
Hidden Spaces: A new meditation abstraction I completed this afternoon.
Metamorphosis – The Soul Transformed: A new meditation abstraction this Sunday morning…
Psychedelic Hex: A abstract mandala experience, completed today…
On a Downward Spiral: Having a bit of fun this Friday afternoon…
Probability Pathways: A abstraction I completed this late Thursday morning…
Aspects of Delight: A newly completed meditation abstraction…
Fragments of Color Mandala: Experimenting with new ideas…
Black and White Cutout Mandala: My last piece for the weekend…
Wireframe Dimensionality: A art study / abstraction I complete this morning…
PatternTrip: Finished one more abstract today…
The Fabric of SpaceTime: A new abstraction I completed this afternoon…
Luminous Moments Mandala: Just completed this mandala Friday morning…
Mandala-3-7-2019: Just completed this mandala…
Perky Spirit Mandala: I completed this fun mandala this evening…
Reincarnated Elements of Universal Union: A meditation abstraction I completed today…
JuxMandala: More experiments with bending jux to my will, lol 🙂